Spring is well underway when the New Moon in Taurus signals us to set intentions and get clear about what we want to bring into our lives in the areas of security and pleasure.
What do we need to nurture right now to ensure we’ll feel secure when the seasons tip back toward winter?
What do we need to manifest in our lives to feel a deeper sense of security?
The Taurus New Moon isn’t just about setting intentions about securing our future. No, Taurus is also a sign of pleasure and enjoyment of life.
As days finally grow warmer and the first wildflowers emerge from the Earth and bloom, we seek out pleasure, excitement, and the sunnier, warmer days of spring.
Now is a good time to set intentions about enjoying life more – to have both security and pleasure – work and play.
The New Moon In Taurus is also a time to re-commit to a goal or project that you’ve abandoned, or procrastinated on because it took you out of your comfort zone.
Now is the time to persevere rather than give up!
New Moon In Taurus Correspondences
Element: Earth (Taurus is an Earth sign).
Season: Spring (The Taurus New Moon occurs while the sun is also in the sign of Taurus – April 20 – May 21, typically).
Candle Color: Green, gold, brown, copper.
Crystals/Stones: Black moonstone (a good stone to work with during the new moon), green aventurine, emerald, turquoise, jade.
Herbs/Tea: Mint, sage, thyme, coltsfoot.
Essential Oils/Incense: Peppermint, ylang-ylang, cypress.
Animal: Bull – represents strength, fertility, perseverance, levelheadedness, being “down-to-Earth”, determined, stable, confident.
Other Earth Magical Items: Potted plants, seeds (representing potential and future security).
Connecting To Nature On Earth Day
The New Moon in Taurus typically happens around Earth Day (April 22), and as an Earth sign, it’s a great time to connect to the environment around your home.
Set an intention for environmental sustainability.
A simple thing you can do is to shift one habit – for example, switch to an eco-friendly laundry detergent or cleaning product.
Or commit to using less plastic (switching to reusable glass containers, for example.)
One of my favorite things to do is to plant a pollinator garden. Even a simple pot set on a patio with pollinator-friendly flowers brings a lot of joy and connection with nature.
Here are some of my favorite perennials and pollinator-friendly annuals to attract more butterflies, bees, and other pollinators to your yard.
New Moon In Taurus Ritual
Here are a few rituals that you can do under the Taurus New Moon:
1) Taurus New Moon Tarot
The tarot card associated with Taurus is the Hierophant (V). The Hierophant represents traditional rules and conformity, but also growth in the areas of spiritual development and knowledge.
Spend some time to reflect on how the archetype of the Hierophant plays out in your life during the Taurus New Moon.
Do you feel like you are trapped within a rigid framework?
Is it YOU who are holding to rigidly to how things should be, or how you assume things are?
Journal on this, and pull a few tarot cards in addition to the Hierophant to gain additional insight.
You can use this simple Intention/Action tarot spread:
2) Connect To The Earth
Plant a seed. Buy a potted plant. Build a garden. Find one small (or large, if you’re up for it) way to connect directly with the Earth.
My Garden At The New Moon In Taurus
By the New Moon in Taurus, my garden is waking up and the seeds I started in March are nearly ready to plant. I won’t be able to plant them just yet, as frosts may occur up until May 15th in my area.
I have to remain patient, and play by the rules of Mother Nature if I want to be rewarded later with a lush, healthy garden in the summer.
Roses have a traditional association with Taurus.